Course Description

The Oracle Of Hades is a tarot spread that I designed from scratch. 

The tarot spread template is based on the landscape of the Greek underworld, Hades.  Each card in the spread represents a different mythical archetype or landmark within the mythical underworld terrain. For example there are five cards in the spread that represent the five rivers in Hades.  There are thirteen cards in all.  You will be taught what each card position means, and how it functions in the reading. 

You will also be taught the psychological implications of the three main phases of the underworld journey cycle which include the descent to the underworld, the search for Persephone, and the resurrection or return back to the light. 

Many clients become stuck in their underworld narrative, usually in the first phase of the descent. They can often times spend many years in a chronically negative state of mind, in the realm of phase one, trying to no avail to heal from their own unique problems that they have been burdened with experiencing.  This class will help teach you how to understand and recognize each of the three phases, and how to assess which phase your client is currently operating in. It will also help you learn to facilitate your client through the rest of their narrative and finally get to the final phase of returning back to the light, so they can constructively get on with their lives, and improve the quality of their lives once and for all. 

Throughout this class you will also be given very in depth suggestions for improving your coaching skills.  By using and understanding the mythical symbolism of this spread you can better understand and address the problems that your client brings to the table.  

Who Is This Course Designed For?

This is a more advanced tarot class.  It was created for established professional tarot coaches and counselors, to help take their tarot coaching skills to a new level.  If you are an intermediate or advanced level tarot reader, this class is suitable for you. 

By using the mythic template of the underworld journey, this spread will greatly assist an advanced tarot reader to help their clients through more traumatic types of problems and "dark night of the soul" type of experiences.  I designed this tarot spread in order to facilitate the process of looking more deeply into unconscious patterns, root causes of problems and traumas, and for helping to bring unknown, unconscious content to the surface.  This is something that the Celtic Cross and many other spreads simply was not capable of facilitating, so I created this spread to the job I needed it to do.  Now I'm sharing it with you.  

This is a deeply psychological spread, designed for tarot readers who already have a background in counseling or psychology, and who also have really good people skills as well as confidence in their reading abilities.  

To use this spread, it is recommended to be comfortable with handling traumatic or emotional issues which your client may be presenting, and for facilitating a safe space for your client to process these darker emotional transitions. 

I strongly advise that you adhere to impeccable ethical standards regarding confidentiality and good client boundaries, when using this and all tarot spreads; and for responsibly knowing what your limitations are as a tarot coach with these types of situations.  

If you are not very confident with handling these types of more emotional or deep healing reading situations, then this class will advise you on how to begin learning to do just that, and help you to level up your tarot coaching practice.  

If you are a beginner student to tarot, I would recommend you sign up for the Introduction To Hermetic Tarot Class as a pre-requisite to this more advanced course. 

What You Will Receive When You Enroll For This Class.

  • Immediate access to this class in your personal dashboard.
  • Take the class at your own pace
  • Instruction in the use of this 13 card tarot spread, the card positions and meanings, and integrative tips for facilitating a complete reading experience for your client using this spread. 
  • Examples are given of case studies from my own, tarot reading sessions, when and where appropriate.
  • Access to the Private Facebook classroom for support, practice, question and answer sessions and more.
  • The training will include a sample reading.
  • One FREE private tarot appointment or class mentoring session via Zoom, with Canis Stella, when you enroll in this class. 

Enroll Here

Receive a BONUS one on one session with Canis Stella after you enroll!