
Advance Your Magickal Skills   *   Step Into Your Priest/ess Power   *   Align With Your Spiritual Purpose   *  "Do You Have The Courage To Make The Assay?"

"Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificanco Invenies Occultum Lapidem"

"Visit The Interior Parts Of The Earth, By Rectification Thou Shalt Find The Hidden Stone"

I have always been one of those people who needed to learn my lessons in life the hard way.  This is how I came to be a priestess of underworld Gods and underworld mythology.  

I am Canis Stella ("Stella") for short.  In Latin the name translates as "Dog Star" which is a reference to the star Sirius which was an important religious focal point for the worship of ancient world underworld mysteries in many cultures.  

As a living “Persephone” incarnate for many years, I struggled through several phases of the bitter sweet mythical story, of Persephone's abduction into the underworld.  This story played out unconsciously in my life for a long time (and not in a good way), before I began to wake up to what was happening.  After years worth  of blood sweat and tears, I emerged from my own figurative underworld with both battle scars and street sense.

The Underworld Gods are not "user friendly". Actually none of the Gods are user friendly when they are being embodied by their priests and priestesses in their dark shadow aspects.  

My work now, is to assist other pagans and wiccans, in better understanding the archetypal dynamics of the deities who call them to service, and help them navigate through the darks aspects of their experience so each person can get to the other side of the archetype and experience the best of what it has to offer.


This involves a lot of personal healing as part of the process. 

 It is my intention to raise the bar on the “wiccan experience” for the betterment of the magickal community, and assist you in improving the quality of your daily life through the responsible use of western occult teachings. 

Click here to learn more.

Light In Extension!


The Foundation Course

By Going Back To Basics You Will Advance More Quickly

If you are a beginner to wicca or Western occultism, then this orientation class is where your journey should sensibly begin.  

This class qualifies as a "wiccan dedicant" or probationary level of training for a full year.  If you wish to continue studying wicca with me here online, this class is a pre-requisite for wiccan advancement. 

It is also is an excellent class for individuals who just want to know more about magick, no matter what tradition you are interested in, and no matter what background you come from even if it's orthodox religion. 

Additionally, if you have been practicing wicca for awhile, you will get a lot out of this class.  This course will help you review the basics, and allow you to learn or re-learn, in great depth, about many magickal concepts. I can almost guarantee you, that you missed these teachings in your own beginning wiccan training. 

Click on the image below to learn more.  Once there, you can find a link for a FREE sample lecture from this class.

Thoughtful Testimonials

Underworld Ritual Healing

Jessica Pittaway

I was a recent new mother and just finding clarity that my relationship with my daughter's father was ending. I had been kicked in the gut one night with a blinding intensity that all my childhood wounds, and all of my dark baggage (physical and psychological) was beginning to consume me. I was drowning in my fear, trauma and overwhelm. I had only one blaring thought: 'I need to do everything I can, to heal as quickly as I can, for the sake of my child.' I called "Stella" and asked for her guidance and told her I was ready for the personal ritual work she had offered to me. I felt "Stella's" ritual work might be the correct choice for me. The personalized ritual that "Stella" created for me was a night of deep, insightful, supported, very personal, and beautifully guided archetypal clarity and integration work! The hours we spent together brought so many ah-ha moments of conscious clarity in tandem with the subconscious seeds of integration that were simultaneously planted. It has been three years since the Dark Moon to Full Moon ceremony and rituals "Stella" personally crafted for me. I find it VERY difficult to express with language, how deeply and profoundly shifted I am from this private work with her. My shadow integration work was kickstarted that night. In only one complete ritual I have been given most of the tools that I have needed, for my healing work over the last three years. I have been able to truly begin to integrate the shadow and light characteristics of my archetypal complexes. The awareness of my archetypal wounds has helped to unlock the codex in my mind, and begin the deeply needed healing and reintegration of my anima/animus polarities so that I can be whole again. I presently experience more personal deep peace with myself, and I have successfully made major changes in my life. I stand here now feeling into, and nurturing the beginning bounty, of the deep healing of my psyche. I now have the ability to experience enjoyment! I am able to allow myself to experience real love for myself. I now have great hope and enthusiasm for my life as it intertwines with my beautiful daughter's life, (yup... it was a big 'ol kick start to my 'healing the mother wound' journey that I obtained in that one ritual night!) The work I will do, with what I learned from "Stella will never end. I don't want it too! This journey "Stella" started me on only keeps getting better, and my life, my ability to explore self love and self acceptance, only keeps becoming more beautiful.

Fundamentals Of Ritual Magic Course

Joy M. (Local Student)

"Canis Stella’s Fundamentals of Ritual Magick course is what I highly recommend to anyone looking to explore their spirituality or deepen their knowledge of this timeless practice. Canis Stella’s teachings have reawakened my desire to connect with the metaphysical and reinvigorated my thirst for learning the ancient arts. From the history of the occult to practical tips for magick workings, the material imparted here covers all the bases, and then some. Without the knowledge this course bestows, it would have taken me years to build up my confidence to where it is now. Canis Stella is truly a compassionate teacher, committed to her students, and expresses deep reverence for the craft. I have been humbly and richly blessed to have her as my guide."

Tarot Reading

Etsy Client

Wow! I ordered this reading to help me with my writer's block. My order was turned around in less than 24 hours. The reading was thorough and descriptive, in addition to being stunningly accurate. And the best part was that a few hours after I read the reading, I wrote three new poems! Highly recommended. Will buy again.